One Little Monkey

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Quality Assurance

Someone I know just got back from Madagascar and with him came Malagasy chocolate.

This is some good chocolate, let me tell you. I haven't had swiss chocolate in a while, but I think this wins. And I've discovered a new way of measuring the quality of something - if I can actually stop eating it (unlike the donut, see below).

I know, this seems counter intuitive; if it's really good, you should want to eat lots. Not so, my friend. If it's good, you should be quickly satisfied by a little flavor. Then you can savor. I feel like Charlie Bucket (in the first movie), where he eats just a nibble of his chocolate bar.

So apparently, my donuts (sorry, Entemann's, I still love you!) are not the equivalent of Malagasy chocoloate (in 24% (milk chocolate), 47% (dark) and 70% (even more dark) cocoa).

Oh, I'm not a chocolate snob. I'll eat any chocolate (well, except those gross coins and eggs at holidays). In fact, my dinner was a donut and 6 mini milky way bars. I like chocolate too much to be a chocolate snob, it'd get expensive!


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