One Little Monkey

Friday, September 23, 2005

A John Carpenter Moment

My work is creepy.

It's 8:30 pm. I just got to work. Work is this large building seriously in the middle of farm country. The highway's close, but the roosters are closer, blocking out the highway. Not that it matters, because the highway's kind of rural, as rural as an interstate can be, I guess. And it's dark. And they close of my parking lot on the weekends for some reason. So I have to come in some obscure doorway and meander my way through until I get to my wing. And there's lots of big, glass windows. And it's quiet. Quieter than a normal empty building. And the coke machines are sensored and come on when you walk by, interrupting the quiet.

It's freakin' me out, man.


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