One Little Monkey

Monday, August 15, 2005

Tears For Fears

Just as a recap, because I know I've mentioned it before either on Srah's website or in real life, I have three (slightly irrational) fears.

1. Aliens
2. Religious phenomenon (e.g. miracles, Jesus in your oatmeal)
3. Wal-Mart

Recently, I was talking about my attic, which I call My Scary Attic (named after The Scary Basement of one of my college houses). Earlier, I had mentioned my three fears and the person I was talking with pointed out it should be four, because calling my attic scary kind of implies that I am afraid of it. But I'm not. I'm not really afraid of the attic; it's just scary. Does that make sense? Like, if I were afraid of it, it would be scary. And then I though about it today, and it really can't be included on the list anyway, because I'm not afraid of attics in general, mine is just one of which one need be wary.

P.S. A couple weeks ago, I actually got freaked out at WalMart and had to just get out of there. It was an almost panic attack and I (again, like at the club) had to run out of there. Or at least walk really fast.


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