One Little Monkey

Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's Sounds Gross, But I Bet You're Curious!

For the departmental Christmas party last night, I took some tasty treats that I liked to call Flattened Snowman Bits. These were really Minty Cheese Balls.

Minty Cheese Balls!?!? Yes, Minty Cheese Balls. I picked this treat solely based on the number of ingredients: 3. I had never made them before or even eaten one before. But really, it only meant I had to buy cream cheese and mint extract and it's the end (middle!) of the month of December and I have no money so that was good. I refused to try one before the party because 1) it would ruin the nice, even two dozen and 2) if they were disgusting, I would be obligated to buy something else. This way, I could feign ignorance.

So when I got to the party, before even setting them out, I made someone else eat one. And they were good! Someone even said they tasted like Junior Mints' minty center. I feel the presentation was lacking a bit (they need color; next time I'll use food coloring, colored sugar or even jimmies to roll them in), but I was happy that they were not only edible but tasty. Now I'm going to end up making the all over the place, they are my new specialty.


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