He Must Live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Remember the calls for the customize kitchen place? Yeah, so now I keep getting one from some man from such a place calling on behalf of his clients so and so for some man that works at the kitchen place.
I've spoken with this man calling and explained that, yes, he is dialing correctly but, no, I am not that man he is trying to reach.
It hasn't stopped him. I get at least one voicemail a week with the same message (see above). So I changed my outgoing "greeting".
"Hi, you've reach xxx-xxx-xxxx. I am NOT (kitchen place). If you're calling for Cheryl, please leave a message. Thanks, bye." (that last part stated all sachharine sweet with only a hint, a hint of sarcasm.)
He called again yesterday. I thought maybe he was confused because I actually mentioned the company he's trying to call in in the message. Thus, my new message plays as follows:
"Hi, you've reach CHERYL. I do not custom-make anything. I do not know (man's name). If you're calling for CHERYL, please leave a message. Thanks, bye."
Somehow, I don't think it will work.
I've spoken with this man calling and explained that, yes, he is dialing correctly but, no, I am not that man he is trying to reach.
It hasn't stopped him. I get at least one voicemail a week with the same message (see above). So I changed my outgoing "greeting".
"Hi, you've reach xxx-xxx-xxxx. I am NOT (kitchen place). If you're calling for Cheryl, please leave a message. Thanks, bye." (that last part stated all sachharine sweet with only a hint, a hint of sarcasm.)
He called again yesterday. I thought maybe he was confused because I actually mentioned the company he's trying to call in in the message. Thus, my new message plays as follows:
"Hi, you've reach CHERYL. I do not custom-make anything. I do not know (man's name). If you're calling for CHERYL, please leave a message. Thanks, bye."
Somehow, I don't think it will work.
Good luck!
srah, at 2:24 PM
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