Unifinished Sentence I'm Not Even Going to Bother With a Week
And the winner of last week's sentence:
Sojoyful with "When you put a lot of archivists together, that's what you get."
I liked that one because the original sentence was "monkeys", referring to how heavy a box packed with (stuffed and fake) monkeys was and she's drawing from experience and using her profession.
This week's sentence:
The best person to have as a neighbor would be _________ because _________.
This can be because you want to throw parties with them or water balloons at them. See you later!
Sojoyful with "When you put a lot of archivists together, that's what you get."
I liked that one because the original sentence was "monkeys", referring to how heavy a box packed with (stuffed and fake) monkeys was and she's drawing from experience and using her profession.
This week's sentence:
The best person to have as a neighbor would be _________ because _________.
This can be because you want to throw parties with them or water balloons at them. See you later!
Dracula because... I can't think why. In fact, it's a bad idea. Never mind.
srah, at 8:04 PM
ANGELA LANSBURY! Because she's Mrs. Pots, and you could have a nice cup of tea and crumpets.
Anonymous, at 9:43 PM
Well, you wouldn't have a cup of crumpets. Those would come on a saucer.
Anonymous, at 9:43 PM
The best person to have as a neighbor would be the Crazy Burger King guy because we could play football together and I would totally lateral to him so he could take it to the hizouse!
Anonymous, at 10:30 PM
Come on, Cheryl. You know I'm going to say Ewan McGregor, and you know what the 'because' is.
Instead, I'll say The Count, because sometimes I need help counting things.
sojoyful, at 10:57 AM
Or how about Babe Ruth, because he would throw good parties!
sojoyful, at 11:00 AM
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