One Little Monkey

Friday, August 05, 2005

You Crack Me Up

So the reason I'm going to being working a full time and part time job is because I can see an actual end to the research at the part time job plus it ends in January anyway. Today, my boss and I were trying to calculate if, timewise, I could actually finish in five months if one part takes half an hour to do and I have to do it four hundred times before moving onto the last part. We figured that, yes, I could. And I said that, if I had to, it wasn't a big deal to work on the last part after the job (and therefore pay)ends and that I could probably even do it at home. He told me he'd still want to pay me somehow.

I said, well, you can pay me in cookies. Different ones every day, maybe some muffins here and there.
Forty dollars in cookies a day?
You're right, that would probably just make me sick.
Or, I could pay you in crack.
Forty dollars in crack wouldn't be as much as forty dollars in cookies.
I could sell the cookies.
You'd have better luck selling the crack.

So now my third job is as a drug dealer to all the med students.


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