Work Part II
Another thing at work involves watching monkeys chew. One chews while waving her head in the air. This reminded me of a friend of mine.
Growing up, this friend would eat like a little mouse. It was cute, mind you, but it would take a long time for her to finish her lunch. She'd sit there with her paws, er, hands, up by her mouth nibbling away. And her ears looked like mouse ears. And she had a tail. No, no tail. But monkey chewing led me to mouse chewing.
Growing up, this friend would eat like a little mouse. It was cute, mind you, but it would take a long time for her to finish her lunch. She'd sit there with her paws, er, hands, up by her mouth nibbling away. And her ears looked like mouse ears. And she had a tail. No, no tail. But monkey chewing led me to mouse chewing.
Anonymous, at 2:10 PM
As long as you don't start imitating the monkeys, I won't be worried about you.
sojoyful, at 8:47 PM
*flings... things*
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM
Things? Or poop?
Cheryl, at 12:08 PM
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