One Little Monkey

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Backward State In Which I Live

So there's this man running for governor of the state named Jim. He's got this little ad campaign going that, the first time I saw it, made me think it was for The Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints or whatever. He gets on the T.V. and talks about how he and his wife Linda or Nancy or whatever her name is like to worship. So come worship with them. They're "anti-pro choice" and think "a marriage between a man and a woman..." blah blah blah. So join them for worship.

WHAT?!? How is this at all politics? Yes, these are issues that have become political, but they shouldn't be. Why is it anyone else's business what anyone else does? Sadly, Jim has a a good chance of winning because the current governor sucks and I live in the land of crazies where everyone is all podunk and backwards. And if he won, we no longer would be better than Kansas. And forget any of us scientists having a job because he'll probably change the law to make it say science doesn't exist and everything, including him standing on the ground rather than floating, is a miracle and anyone who floats is a witch that needs to get sucked into outeraspace anyway. Because they're not good people and won't worship with him.

Whatever, dude. You make me mad.


  • Why don't I have a TV? When do we vote for governors? Do I need to get registered soon? When do we vote for anything? I'm here in Ohio and I need to make a difference!

    By Blogger srah, at 9:56 AM  

  • I don't know. Maybe he's getting ready for the primaries or whatever in March. I know MI votes for a new gov. next November.

    By Blogger Cheryl, at 9:32 AM  

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