Does Cat Taste Like Chicken?
Last night I was taking a nice warm bath in celebration (?) of the first really cold day we've had when I heard some banging and clanging coming through the wall. It was coming from the direction of the kitchen and I figured it was Bad Cat messing around. But I had left the oven door propped open with a soup can after baking some biscuits and I thought maybe the cat had gotten in and the door shut behind him and that he was now stuck in the oven. So I went to investigate. I first saw the oven, which was as I had left it. Then I saw the cat on the counter, like the disobedient feline he is. Then I saw he had an empty tissue box stuck on his head (the clanging and banging was him backing into a cookie sheet on the drying rack trying to get the box off). Serves him right. Maybe now he won't get up there anymore for fear of the Attack Tissue Box. Maybe I should put empty boxes all over the place. But I wondered why he stuck his head in there in the first place? And isn't that what whiskers are for, to keep cats from sticking their heads/bodies into places they can't get out of?
Mom says,
Remember the time I shut poor Clyde between the storm and other door? MEOOOOOW!
Anonymous, at 8:03 PM
This post made me laugh!!
Was it one of those rectangular boxes? Maybe his head was oriented the long way when he stuck his head in, so his whiskers didn't alert him, but they he turned his head in the box and couldn't get out.
My cat knows he's not supposed to scratch the couch, so when he starts to do it and I even just move to spray him, he jumps away. So I never actually get to spray him.
sojoyful, at 8:42 PM
Oh, my cat knows when he's bad. He's bad on purpose.
Cheryl, at 11:47 AM
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