One Little Monkey

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Two Points

I hit a possum last night on my way home. This is the first time I've ever hit an animal in all my years of driving. I've even stopped for frogs that have hopped into my way.

I think his buddies must have been standing in the shadows, daring him to go, because it's a dark and empty back road and he could have had many opportunities to cross prior to my appearance on the scene. He just kind of showed up, as if he'd been pushed into the road.

My first reaction when I saw it was not to swerve and try to miss it. I know well enough that that can just lead to more or worse accidents and to just go ahead and hit it. My first reaction was instead to hit the horn.

The horn, you say? Apparently, I didn't think the thing saw me, what with the bright lights and the barrelling down on it. I guess I thought it would hear the horn and leap out of my way, the way possums do. In a kind of Michigan J. Frog way, with a dancing shuffle.


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