One Little Monkey

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Catchphrasies, Also

How weird is it that Katie and I, independently, decided to blog about the same thing on the same day? Because she was first, and because I wrote a crazy long comment on her blog, mine will be short.

Both of the people I work with regularly have what I'd call catchphrases. I hear them regularly and it made me think if I had any.

I had initially decided no, but then, prompted by Katie's post, I came up with one.

"Who dat?"

This is something I think I must have picked up from my Grammie. It's cute. I believe she says this when people walk into the room (not always, but enough that I picked it up somewhere along the way). I didn't even know I said it until I moved to OH, where one of my friends pointed it out because it's kinda weird. When my phone rings, I'll say "who dat?" as I get up to answer it.

Other than that...I guess there are words I've used a lot, but nothing I'd call phrase-y.


  • I hate the phrase "true dat."

    By Blogger srah, at 11:25 PM  

  • Oh, you say it as you get up to go answer the phone? I thought you meant that you say it into the receiver after you pick up, instead of saying hello.

    That explains it.

    By Blogger sojoyful, at 9:37 AM  

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